Why We Feel Stuck and Key Ways to Address It
Humans often tend to operate in their own ways—whether it’s returning to toxic relationships, not speaking up or advocating for ourselves, or giving up on new diets that we know could help us. Life in the world, stubborn, and no progress. Making progress is one of the keys to lifelong happiness.
We are told why bad habits are so hard to break, and a lot of research also shows that. We know that we actually have two brains: one that is thoughtful, superconscious, and thoughtful, and the other that is automatic self, and sometimes we don’t even notice it making most decisions. That’s why we often feel stuck, but the key to solving it exists.
You spend the average of five people you spend time with the most—JIM RHON
Let’s look around first. Who are your friends? Who do you spend most of your time with? Maybe your circle has something to do with feeling trapped? Do you remember the crab mentality? This metaphor comes from a specific behavior pattern when crabs are trapped in a bucket. A single crab placed in a bucket will quickly climb out and escape, but when you put it with a few companions, this interesting phenomenon occurs: one at a time, when a crab tries to escape, the other crabs pull them back. Leading to their pain and the collective death of the group. Because of this phenomenon, fishermen can leave the bucket without a lid, because he knows that every time a crab tries to escape, another crab pulls it back. Unfortunately, the crab mentality often turns into human behavior.
Remember, you can’t change the people around you, but you can always encourage and support the people around you on your journey of growth.
You feel trapped. What should you do?!
I’ve felt trapped in my life several times. Negative thoughts used to dominate my mind. I knew my toolbox had everything I needed to get out of trouble and move on. Even so, for whatever reason, I couldn’t. I feel like I’m frozen.
I often seek the opinions and approval of others on important things because I can’t sit back and try to find answers in my heart. I don’t trust myself. Until one day.
One day, I finally understood the root cause of my fear of change and began to work to get rid of that mindset. When we feel trapped, we need to slow down and learn to believe that things will eventually change and get better. You will continue to advance in life. Master your experience so you can live the life you want.
What happens when you give up the past?
One of the reasons we feel trapped in life is that we tend to focus too much on the past. But does constantly thinking about the past change anything? no. On the other hand, the good news is that we have the ability to change the present, and that is what we should focus on!
I understand that we tend to occasionally immerse ourselves in the first few chapters of our lives, and of course, it can be a kind of absolute joy, harmless, as long as you remember that version you will never be. It is better or worse than you are now.
Next time when the feeling or memory of the past quietly arrives, try to find a direct hope in which you learned.
Give up the idea that will not make you stronger
Where are you in your life now?
Where do you want to go?
Do you have any progress? It’s not necessarily taking large-scale actions, but choosing one useful idea over another every day, making yourself stronger. Constantly give up those ideas and beliefs that will not make you stronger.